He Is Risen!
When was the last time you stopped and appreciated the power behind the words: HE IS RISEN!

It All Starts This Weekend
As I write on the day after Thanksgiving, I’m aware there are three types of people in my audience today. Those who have been out and...

Faith and Hope
How do faith and hope influence your daily life? Check out what Guest Author Josh Lueken has been learning about faith and hope this summer

Human Doings
What does it mean to just be with God? Guest Author Marlee Nicholson reflects on how God has been teaching her this important lesson.

New Mercies
Guest author Karisa Meier reflects on what God has been doing in her life this summer as a Program Director at our Ingham Lake location.

Make Me New
This week we are excited to hear from Kirsten who has been serving on our summer staff as a Senior Counselor based out of our Okoboji...

Overcoming Fears
Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from...