top of page best friend.

Through thick and thin, in good times and bad, that one friend who is always there for you is indeed a priceless treasure. Today we are giving thanks for our best friend who has always been there for us. Who is your best friend and what memorable adventure have you shared with him/her?

Today's post is shared by Seth Zabel, YMT.

My best friend Gage and I have been best friends since almost as far back as I can remember. Since then he’s always helped keep me grounded and in recent years helped me keep my child like sense of wonder. We’ve done a lot of crazy stuff together from driving mini motor bikes into diesel tanks to him getting married. I don’t think there’s really anything that can come between the friendship between him and I and I haven’t had a friendship with a stronger bond than the one i have with the guy I’ve been able to call my brother for years.


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