...for your favorite waitress, barista, or other food service person.

Maybe its the person who gets your coffee order just right on your way to work each morning. Or it could be the owner of the local mom and pop café who asks about your kids each week when you stop in. Those who serve us our food and brew our coffee can often brighten our day just by doing their job well. Who makes a certain coffee shop or restaurant your favorite place to stop at?
Today's post is inspired by Tim Matz, Director of Maintenance.

Tim likes to kid around with people, and the waiter/waitress when going out to eat is not immune to his light-hearted nature. When he was new to camp, he stopped by the local Perkins one night and hit it off with his waitress that night who easily bantered back and forth with him. It wasn't long before he became a regular and most of the waitstaff now know him as "the pie guy." From the ongoing challenge to use their fancy soda machine to stump Tim with the flavor combination, to simply having a generally good natured customer to serve, most everyone at our local Perkins knows Tim which makes it one of his favorite places to grab a bite to eat.
PS - With many local eateries struggling to figure out how to stay open in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, consider doing what you can to support them now so they are around when all want to be out and about with places to eat once again.