...for a summer camp counselor.
Summer camp is often a great experience for staff and campers alike. It is something which would not be possible without the energy and excitement of counselors each and every week greeting campers and helping them have a memorable experience. If you have ever been a to week of camp in the summer, how did your counselor impact your life?
Today's post is shared by Sara Heutinck, Registrar.
While I went to camp most summers of my youth at Racoon River Bible Camp near Scranton, Iowa, I do have to admit I can't remember the name of a single camp counselor from those summers. What I do remember is the counselor who realized she had a very unathletic, uncoordinated camper trying her best to navigate sports hour each day by setting me up to be successful on the volleyball court. Or the counselor who took the time to rub my back when I just couldn't get to sleep. Or the counselor who stayed late into what was probably her only free hour of the day so I could finish the project I was working on in the arts and crafts barn. So many little things which helped me to remember my weeks at camp with my cousins fondly.
I also want to take a moment to give a special shout out to those who were planning on being summer counselors this past summer but found COVID-19 canceling their plans. As someone who was blessed to work a summer at a youth camp in North Dakota, my heart is so sad that they were not able experience a summer working at camp. Perhaps it was here at IOLBC, or another camp, whatever the case may be, I do hope and pray God opens doors for you to be able to work at camp in 2021!