...for a random act of kindness from a stranger.

You never know who God will use to remind you of Him. He might even use a complete stranger. Today we are giving thanks for those times a random stranger listened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and impacted your life in a memorable way.
Today’s post is shared by IOLBC’s Registrar, Sara Heutinck.

During my sophomore year of college, I didn’t end up going home for Easter weekend. A handful of friends and myself decided to treat ourselves to Easter dinner at the local Perkins since we had all, for some reason or another, ended up staying on-campus and weren’t excited about eating at the cafeteria. Not thinking much of it, we took the time to pray when our meal came before we started eating. When we got up to leave, a gentleman from the table next to ours insisted on covering the bill for all eight of us saying it was the least he could do to since we were away from our families for Easter. I never learned his name but he made Easter Sunday that year a lesson I’ll never forget on the power of generosity.