Anchored in Hope - Haley

This week we are excited to welcome Haley Bogh as our guest writer. Haley served this past summer as our recreation coordinator meaning she organized most of our large group games, made sure rec equipment was good go, and facilitated our paintball groups. During the retreat season, Haley works as one of our YMT partnering with Bethlehem Lutheran in Royal, IA.
Hi everyone! My name is Haley Bogh and I just finished my second summer on staff here at IOLBC. This past summer I was our paintball and recreation director. Not only did I work here during the summer, but I am also entering my second year on our youth ministry team. I have seen all of the craziness that goes on to make camp the special place it is.

Before summer started, I was unsure of the position Dan thought I was best for. I questioned the importance of my role and how it actually contributed to the ministry we do here. As we prepped for summer, that feeling only grew. I entered summer with this expectation of going to play paintball once or twice a week, lead some games, and that was it. Well, let me tell you that was far from the truth.
Entering week one of camp, I realized just how much I supported the counselors, program directors, and other staff at camp. Working at camp year-round, I know a lot of things summer staff may not know, so I was an easy person to do quick jobs or answer questions. Things like running the soundboard in chapel, helping set up the next thing on the schedule, or helping a counselor with a challenge they were facing. I enjoyed helping out in all these things because I love to serve people around me, but sometimes the expectations for my role this summer seemed very confusing.

About half way through the summer I felt burnt out, and the people around me could tell. I talked to a couple close friends about some of my frustrations and confusions about my role. One of my friends encouraged me by telling me how my willingness to help in all ways, and with a positive attitude, was one way I was a light for Christ. Everything I was doing was to help camp run smoothly, and that was contributing to the ministry we do. I needed that reminder to help me not only continue my service this summer, but to remind me why I was chosen for this role. I had the flexibility to be somewhere if I was needed at a short notice. I had the knowledge and ability to help counselors who were not as familiar with camp as I was. I realized that God really did put me in this specific role for a reason.
In Matthew 5:16 it says, “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” My service and attitude was how I pointed others to Christ this summer, even if I didn’t realize it until the last couple of weeks. Being a light for Christ is so much more than the actual ministering to others. It involves your attitude, how you treat others, and your service to those around you. Now, I look for the ways I can be a light to others every day entering this new season of camp.
Follow Up:
- How can you be a light to others where God has placed you at this moment?
- When is a time where you discovered that God had a plan bigger than you imagined?
- When you are feeling burnt out and confused, who do you have that you can turn to?