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Holy Week Resources

Lent 2020 has seen us give up far more than chocolate, soda pop, or Facebook. COVID-19 has us giving up familiar routines, gathering together, seeing family and friends in person, and so much more during this Lenten season. It's been so overwhelming for me that its hard to remember that it is Lent.

But this upcoming Sunday is Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week. I'll admit, this next week is going to be hard for me. Holy Week services are some of my absolute favorite services on the church calendar. I have not yet wrapped my head around the reality that I won't get to celebrate them at a local church.

So I've put together a few resources I've found on Pinterest to perhaps help all of us celebrate Holy Week at home this week. I'll keep searching for more and adding them to IOLBC's Pinterest page so follow us there to see what else might be just the right fit and inspiration for your family.

1. The Road the Easter - This website has printables which have your kiddos walking Jesus along the road of events leading up to Easter. It's a Catholic website so know they will be talking about going to Mass but it is still solid with lots of great links to additional resources.

2. Retelling the Easter Story- This website is another which features printables but in the form of characters where kids can act out the events of Holy Week.

3. Baking Unleven Bread - Seder meals which commemorate the Last Supper are a popular tradition this time of the year and they include unleven bread. So get hands on in the kitchen and make some of your own!

4. Mercy River Music put our a good resource for those families with teens and young adults in their midst to talk about and experience a bit of Holy Week.

So that's just a few of the things I've found. Like I said above - follow us on Pinterest to see what else I've managed to discover!

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