Writing Guidelines
Writing Guidelines
Thanks for considering being a guest author for our BEYOND Ministries Blog. Our readers greatly appreciate being able to hear from different voices from time to time and we believe your voice in particular has something valuable to share at this time.
To read about our current focus for guest writers, either scroll down to the bottom this page or click HERE.
Please take a couple of minutes to go through the information below as you consider what you might have to share to help people live a life of faith BEYOND their time spent at camp!
Theology - We ask that what you write be in line with general Lutheran theology. We are not specifically affiliated with any one expression of the Lutheran faith but the majority of our member congregations are either LCMC or ELCA churches. Visiting our "Core Values" page should answer any questions you might have. The BEYOND Ministries blog editor and executive director of IOLBC do reserve the right to revise or reject submissions not in line with the mission and values of IOLBC.
Focus - The focus of your submission should be on the real life, day to day challenges of living out one's faith. This should not read like a submission for a graduate level theology class or an abstract in a scholarly journal. Our blog is intentionally focused on meeting the average person where they are and walking alongside them as they grow in their faith and understanding of Scripture.
Audience - Your primary audience is adults who are somehow connected to camp. Many of our readers are staff or camper alumni, family campers, and participants in our adult retreats (such as Elderversity). You should write assuming your reader is a full time working professional (or recently retired) with at least one to two years of college. Your reader likely is (or has been) married and is a parent. There is an equal chance they live in either a rural or urban setting.
Length - The ideal length for a blog post is right around 800 words. For most people, this is just over a page if you open Microsoft Word and just start typing with normal punctuation and paragraph breaks. If you go over two pages, you are likely getting too wordy.
Introduction - An introduction as to who you are, where you are currently serving, and how you are involved with camp will be added to your submission in addition to the best photo of you the internet will reveal (or you provide!). If you have something brief you'd like to be sure is included, please let me know when you submit your post.
Other Details - You'll notice most of our blogs end with "Follow Up" questions as well as a list of "Helpful Resources Used." If you want to include either of these, great! If not, the editor will add questions. Similarly, if you have any photos you specifically would like to see included, please include them with your submission. If you don't have photos, we will find some graphics to add to your post for you.
Questions? Email Sara at registrar@okoboji.org or call her at 712-337-3306 ext. 112.
Current Series Seeking Submissions: Camp Stories
Overview: We want to hear from YOU, the pastors and leaders of our member congregations! For the first part of 2023 (Jan-May), we are hoping to feature a different pastor or leader each week. You are the heart of this ministry and we want to hear about what God has placed on your heart to share. Pick from one of the two options below:
Option #1 - Your Key Verse
What is your key verse right now for you personally or for your congregation? Why is it important to you in this season? What has God been showing you and teaching you? Sit down and "talk" with us about how God is working in your corner of the world in this season.
Option #2 - Lectionary Scripture Reflection/Devotion
Stumped as to what you might write about for a key verse in this season of life? Simply too busy to prep for both your Sunday sermon and write a blog post? Take a look at the lectionary texts for the week you are scheduled for, pick the one that stands out to you, and go for it!
Due Date: We post most of our blogs on Thursday mornings. Once a week for your post to published has been agreed on, please plan on emailing in your submission to Sara at least 1 week in advance. This will give her time to edit, clarify, upload, and format your post. Submissions can be sent to registrar@okoboji.org.