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Planting Season

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Living in the upper Midwest, the change of seasons is a fact of life. In many ways, spring came early this year. The snow melted early. We didn’t that huge late-winter snow storm. We had a relatively mild winter. The flowers have been poking up and out of the ground. The deer at camp have already eaten my tulips. Yes, in many ways, spring has come early this year.

And with the arrival of spring, this farmer’s daughter starts to wonder about the upcoming growing season. When will farmers get into the field? Will there be enough rain? What if there is too much rain? Will a hailstorm or windstorm come along at the wrong time and ruin the crop? Will there be enough sunny days when we need them?

If you happen to be a farm family, or to have driven out in the country side the last couple of weeks, you have had a chance to see farmers getting into the field, preparing the ground, and planting this year’s crop. After all, spring is the season for planting.

Throughout scripture, we see the life of faith compared to the natural seasons of the world around us. This is especially true when it comes to the season of spring and planting. In the next four weeks are going to take a look at some of the times where the imagery of planting seeds is used to teach an important truth. Join us during this season of planting seeds in the earth to learn more about planting seeds of faith.


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