On the Way Home
You have just picked up your youth from camp.
You have a million and one questions about their time at camp.
As you get in the car you say, "Tell me about your time at camp."
What response do you get?
"It was fine. I had fun. My counselor was cool." Followed by earbuds in, music on, and your youth burying themselves in their phone.
A full run down of the life story of each person in their cabin.
A complete description of their favorite game or activity.
"The food was fine but can we still stop at McDonald's. I'm starving."
A deep, thoughtful reflection on how they have grown in their faith and as an individual while away at camp.
We hope the following questions and tips will help you move towards that final answer either on your way home or soon afterwards!

First, some tips and reminders:
Some kids will be ready to talk a mile a minute. Some will be exhausted and asleep in the first 2 miles. Most will be somewhere in the middle. You know your kid best so talk to them when it works best for them.
Consider a coffee/hot chocolate/ice cream date with your child. Maybe it's on the way home. Or maybe its the next day. But consider a time set apart to talk about camp and faith.
Consider leaving their cell phone home when you pick them up. Often our teens remark on how nice it ended up being to be unplugged for awhile. Let them either talk or sleep for just a while longer before diving into the digital world again.

Below are some questions which are designed to get a good conversation going with your child!
1.What is one thing you remember learning either during the Chapel times or the Bible Study times?
2. What was your favorite fun activity at camp? What made that activity your favorite?
3. What were some of your favorite songs? Why were these songs meaningful to you?
4. Tell me about someone you met. Are you going to stay in touch? How can I help you stay in touch with them?
(Please note: IOLBC cannot give out personal contact information for any camper without their permission. We are happy to pass along your contact information if you wish but it will be up to the recipient to respond.)
5. How was camp different than church, or youth group, or confirmation? What was similar? What did you like most about it?
6. Ask about the theme of the week, or their favorite theme of the day this week. Invite them to explain it, and ask why it meant something to them.
7. What do you want to do to keep growing closer to God in your life because of camp? What would you like to do at home on your own? As a family? With your friends/youth group/confirmation class?
8. Tell me about your counselor(s). What did you like most about them? Is there something they said or did which was really meaningful for you?
9. What things about God or faith were new to you at camp? Are there things you wonder about when it comes to God and faith?
10. Check out these resources specific to your child's time at IOLBC:
The "Theme Verses" and "Summer 2019" playlist on IOLBC's YouTube channel.
Check out the 2019 Press On CD with songs from the week. (Available for purchase from the Camp Store for $10)
Establish a daily “Vine Time” to read Scripture
Use some of these questions to regularly talk about church/youth group/Confirmation experiences.
Have other suggestions for questions you have found helpful when it comes to inspiring youth to talk about their faith? We'd love to hear from you. Click on the CONTACT link above and let us know what has worked for you!