What’s Up with Lent?
I have to admit, I grew up going to a church which did not do much, if anything at all, to observe the season of Lent. I would hear my...

Purposeful Armor
I have always loved castles. While I’m not a huge fan of fairy tales, something about castles has always caught my imagination. I’m...

Thankfulness 2020
2020 sure has been an interesting year, hasn't it. It seems determined to make it into the history books of the next generation to...

Matthew 5:1-2 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they...

Begin Again - Introduction
A new year has arrived which begs the question: What are you looking forward to in the year ahead? What did you value most in the year...

**This post originally kicked off a 4 weeks series on the themes of Advent in 2019. Click on the links to visit the rest of 2019 Advent...

Lessons of Harvest
I grew up on a small family farm in SouthWest Minnesota. One of the things which I thought was common for everyone to do for many of my...